Is subdivision for me? And other questions we get frequently
You have invested time into your research and now it is time to choose the best fit.
In a constant changing economy, it makes sense to explore ways of realising the full value potential of your property.
Key2 is a fully licensed real estate company. Each member of our team understands both real estate, and the build process.
The Subdivision Company is a professional consultancy group layered with experts who’s knowledge and expertise provide the foundation for subdivision applications.
By combining these knowledge centres we offer a service that maximises your profit, minimising your work and provides a legacy for your family.
We have options to assist you in reaching your goals, maybe you are looking to subdivide your property to pay off your mortgage, sell sections to make a profit, create a rental income stream, provide money for your children, create your retirement fund or build a dream home for yourself , call us today, we would love to help you optimise your opportunities.
Value-Add: Obtaining a Council Approved Resource Consent for your existing home and section will add significant value to the overall price. There are then options to sell the entire property with the increased value as a development site
Make money: You’ve gone past the first step of gaining resource consent now the decision is yours. If you choose to subdivide the property, the burden of the mortgage is no longer yours entirely, giving you the freedom to begin to plan your future.
Maximize market value: Small and accessible changes such as adding a driveway or servicing your boundary can make a critical difference. These small changes will allow you the flexibility of selling your home as a house and land package once the resource consent is issued.
Extra Income: If you want to enjoy the comfort of your own home while still allowing yourself to make a passive income as an onsite landlord, a subdivision may be your solution. Open your home while maintaining your privacy.
At The Subdivision Company, one of our ambitions is to meet your financial requirements.
With a minimal investment we can quickly ascertain what are the requirements for your subdivision. You may not need to meet some of the more expensive costs that are demanded by council.
We will HELP you to ascertain the easiest and most economical way to complete your subdivision.
We have relationships with funders that understand the process and value of creating a subdivision on your land.
They are specialist lenders that provide finance packages detailed to our clients as they recognize and respect our companies ability and reputation to perform in a timely fashion.
In this way they are able to offer such features as no upfront costs, no repayments during the subdivision process, capitalised interest, and delayed payment of the loan in full until the subdivision is completed. Perhaps even sold !List Item
We do it all!!
We are a specialized company with direct access to all professional services needed to complete every stage in the subdivision process for you
We complete a brief analysis and see if the property meets the council rules for subdivision then complete a site visit and go over the details with you on your property.
If you’re happy with what you hear we sign agreement to start the subdivision process
Upon preparation of a detailed scheme plan we can go over the indicative potential costs one by one and plan each stage to start your subdivision process.
Of course it will depend on the current zoning of your property and the associated rules pertaining to your designated area.
There may be possibilities or opportunities under the new Auckland Unitary Plan as some properties are being zoned to increase subdivision potential and some are being zoned to reduce subdivision allowances.
To realize the potential in your section – invite us to meet you (or call you) if you have:
troublesome oversized garden you don’t need
A large free-standing garage in an area you could use for development
Enough room to build a brand new house in the back yard
Been thinking about the income possibilities of selling your unwanted backyard
We will help you by doing the initial investigation to find out the potential in your site
Yes. At the Subdivision Company, we only consult with titled property owners. Unfortunately, we do not offer our services to potential home or property owners.
The Auckland Unitary Plan has now come into effect and is providing many opportunities for home owners to subdivide.
In order to assist we would need to determine a few things i.e. Your property size, zoning rules for your area, other environmental factors on your land, public services, all of which we can do for you.
The Subdivision company offers you a comprehensive experience that will ease you into the subdivision. Our expert team with over 60 years of shared experience promises an experience of professionalism and integrity throughout.
We are proactive in making sure you gain value for your property in this ever-changing economy by seeing the potential in your land.